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"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak." Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati

Aug. 4, 2022

Immersive 4D Calm Relaxing Music: Theta & Delta Combined

Enjoy a state of deep relaxation that is tranquil and pleasant while being healed, refreshed, and de-stressed by the use of 4D music.
Aug. 3, 2022

Make Your Morning Commute A Meditation In 3 Easy Steps

A Commuting Meditation: Why you need one. A crazy morning driving in traffic, on the bus, or on the subway can quickly set up your whole day in a way that you’re not happy with. So, you are off-balance what now?
Aug. 1, 2022

Powerful Delta Brain Waves Rainy Day Healing Meditation

For physical and mental healing, this Delta Brain Waves entrainment meditation incorporates brainwave beats, relaxing music, and subliminal hypnotic suggestions.
July 28, 2022

Delta Waves Sleep Meditation Music With Gentle Ocean Waves

Delta brainwaves are the slowest of all the brainwaves. They are low frequency and deeply penetrating, like the slow beat of a drum.
July 27, 2022

Mindfulness Meditation For Kids – How Young Is Too Young?

Mindfulness meditation for kids at each developmental stage can be useful for decreasing anxiety and promoting happiness in school and at home.
July 25, 2022

Ambient Meditation Music For Spiritual Awakening

By utilizing background music for meditation to bring us into alignment with our spiritual selves, we are able to focus our whole attention on the essence of who we truly are.
July 20, 2022

Mindful Driving Meditation For A Safer & Happier Road Trip

A driving meditation? Say what? After reading that title you may be thinking, "Meditating while driving? That's crazy!" You are probably envisioning someone trying to drive a vehicle with their eyes closed, seated in the lotus position, and chanting.
July 18, 2022

15:00 Guided Breathing Meditation For Anxiety & Stress

You can obtain complete relaxation and relief from stress by following along with this guided meditation on sympathetic breathing.
July 13, 2022

Powerful Binaural Beats For Healing Psychological Issues

There are a number of benefits associated with binaural beats, including enhanced cognition and an increase in creative output. improved mood and fewer anxious feelings. helping you get started with a meditation practice.
July 11, 2022

Easy 5 Minute Guided Meditation For Anxiety & Stress Relief

Never before has it been more important to give your body and mind a vacation than it is right now.
July 4, 2022

Beautiful Calming Music For Meditation And Healing

The soothing and relaxing effects of music have long been associated with its use. This was something that had been known to eastern civilizations for a very long time before it was known by western cultures.
June 30, 2022

The Stargazer - Short Meditation Rest Meditative Music

Enjoy this meditation music "The Stargazer"  (Short Meditation Rest) to relax and take a short break from your busy day. Also, You Can Learn About The Significance of Meditation Music
June 27, 2022

Meditating In Today‘s World, Does It Really Matter Any More?

Today, meditation appears a little bit differently. This has been made feasible by the adoption of meditation in numerous contexts and modes. Does meditation actually offer any benefits?
June 23, 2022

5 Minute Guided Gratitude Morning Or Evening Meditation

Through practicing this meditation on thankfulness, you will gain an understanding of how being grateful may be a good strategy to create pleasant emotions in the world around you.
June 23, 2022

15 Minute Deep Meditation Music For Quick Stress Reduction

Many people find that listening to music that promotes deep relaxation and meditation is an effective way to drastically lower their stress levels, which are often the result of living in today's hyperconnected culture.
June 13, 2022

7 Amazing Benefits Of Mindfulness For Body And Brain

Even if I were to write a book about all of the advantages of living in the moment, I wouldn't be able to cover them all. Living in the present offers so many advantages.
June 9, 2022

5 Minute Self-Love Meditation: The Ultimate Self-Esteem Boost

Self-love is one of the most vital concepts in today's world, yet it is also one of the most misunderstood. This self-love meditation will walk you through the process of building self-love.
June 8, 2022

Simple Ways You Can Start Meditating Today!

The best thing about meditating is that it doesn't require a lot of time. All you need is to set aside 20 minutes per day for this beneficial exercise.
June 6, 2022

Powerful Healing Music Using Earth’s 7.83Hz Magnetic Field

Increase the amount of healing energy available by activating the potent Schumann resonance healing frequency of 7.83 Hz found in the earth's magnetic field.
May 30, 2022

Pure Theta Binaural Beats For A Deep Meditation Experience

Some people might find it hard to relax. There are times when the brain doesn't match the emotional state that is wanted. Theta binaural beats can be an effective tool in reaching untapped meditative states.
May 26, 2022

Spiritual Affirmations To Live A Life Of Divine Expression

If you want to reconnect with the universe and boost your vibration, try raising your frequency by listening to these 27 spiritual affirmations every day for 15 days.
May 23, 2022

Guided Meditation: Quiet The Mind And Transform Your Stress

You may attain the highest level of relaxation by using this guided meditation to calm your mind and relax your body.
May 23, 2022

5 Minute Evening Guided Meditation: Open Your Heart Center For Deep Sleep

Use this powerful five-minute guided meditation to gently unwind for a night of deep and uninterrupted sleep by focusing all of your attention on your heart center and returning to your inner sanctuary as needed.
May 20, 2022

3 Hours Of The DEEPEST 432Hz Healing Music For Body & Soul

The frequency of 432Hz is used to offer you the most calming and revitalizing effects imaginable. You can learn how to let go of all negative energy. Use this healing meditation music for DNA repair, along with beautiful relaxation music.