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5 Simple Ways To Take Back Control Of An Unbalanced Life -

Before the digital age, the lines between business and personal life were quite clear. It's no longer as simple to reconcile work and personal life.

Unbalanced lives lead to increased stress. It may seem impossible, but regaining control over your chaotic life is not difficult. In this article, we'll show you 5 ways to do it.

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The Cost of Being Married To Your Work

While you may be tempted to work longer hours, this will negatively affect your personal life. Poor work-life balance has several effects, including:
Poor health
Lost time with loved ones 
Increased expectations

5 Ways to Take Back Control of Your Life: You can regain control of your unbalanced life in numerous ways.

Tip #1: Say No

Saying no is a skill. You can't please everyone all the time. It's alright to say no if something is demanded of you that doesn't add value to your life. This includes electronics.
Turn off your computer, phone, iPad, etc., for a few hours every night. Set an "out of office" auto-reply on your emails and texts to let people know you will respond when you return. You deserve some me-time.

Tip #2: Self-Awareness

Make yourself a priority. For some, this means spending time alone or reviving a long-lost interest. This covers your mental, bodily, and spiritual well-being. Remove all pollutants, including negative influences. After all, if you don't look after yourself, you'll get burned out and possibly have a breakdown.

Tip #3: Focus on Relationships

While your paychecks may look beautiful, your kids may not remember everything you purchased. They will remember the time you spent with them. Time is a limited resource that cannot be replaced. So spend time with your loved ones. Those are the essential things in life.

Tip #4: Become more aware of your surroundings

Have you always wanted to learn something or travel somewhere? Take your time. Consider a lesson or a trip. Experiencing doesn't require leaving your home. Find out what's unique about your area and go explore it. You never know what you'll find.

Tip #5: Plan Your Time

Time management is vital when you want to take back control of your life. If your workday starts at 8 AM and concludes at 5 PM, you must stop at 5 PM. If you're finishing a project, you can go late, but don't let work consume your life. You may need to schedule time with loved ones until you find balance. This is terrific advice, especially if your work-life balance has gotten out of hand.


It's vital to regain control of your chaotic existence. It is not difficult if you make it a priority. With these simple suggestions, you'll be finding balance in no time.

Thank you for being a part of Meditation Life Skills today!

Listen to this audio file as much as you want in a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. When listening, headphones are usually recommended to avoid distractions.

***This work is not meant to replace medical or counseling guidance from a qualified practitioner. Please get professional care if you suffer from a physical or mental disease.