Sacred / Sacredness is one of several words from which it may be difficult to convert into a non-religious spiritual term for your own personal practice if you come from a religious background.
Sacred / Sacredness is one of several words from which it may be difficult to convert into a non-religious spiritual term for your own personal practice if you come from a religious background.
But, in order to connect to your whole Beingness, your spiritual Self, and the deeper connections that can be made with nature, people, and your life in general, sacredness is essential.
Meaning and sacredness are closely linked, and many individuals are today experiencing a lack of purpose in their life. Your main goal is to re-establish contact with your Spirit. This is accomplished by holding your purpose and all of life sacred.
Who is Zalah?
Zalah walked away from a successful business career to find freedom by going deep within spiritually. Studying abroad with a living Master for seven years, he brought his knowledge of ancient truths back to Canada to grow through huge life challenges.
For 20 years, his powerful teachings have helped students make sense out of their life experiences and dynamics. Through a series of teachings and events, Zalah helps his students find the magic in their lives again.
His passion for his teachings and the fact that he lives everything he teaches empowerment to his students to live their best life and bring their unique gifts to the world.
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Everyone participating in our awakening community is passionate about their own personal spiritual journey of Self-discovery. The knowledge, exercises, and discussions foster a life where one begins to experience the magic through disciplines and courageously conquering patterns and dynamics in their everyday life.
The CFT™ and its spiritual meditation community is truly a tool for seekers to utilize in accessing and experiencing their Divine Selves. Our monthly classes provide new lessons, exercises, and discussions. Activities are optional with camaraderie ensured on the sometimes-lonely journey to deep spiritual wisdom and development.
We welcome you to join our spiritual community.