Through practicing this meditation on thankfulness, you will gain an understanding of how being grateful may be a good strategy to create pleasant emotions in the world around you.
Happiness and success are two mental states we’d all like to experience more often. These states rarely happen randomly on their own. It takes an intention to experience happiness and success, and the best way to manifest them is with an attitude that supports them.
Being grateful leads to practical actions, and effective measures can lead you to happiness and success. If you’re focused on the positive things in your life, it’s much easier to experience joy.
Your success in life can also come from gratitude. Gratitude has an almost magical power to bring more good things into your life. If you can feel grateful daily, you can expect good days ahead.
Guided Gratitude Meditation Script Beginning...
Appreciation meditation. Begin by sitting or lying in a comfortable position, placing your palms facing upwards, letting your shoulders roll back slightly to open up your chest, and gently closing your eyes as you just focus on your breath.
Notice how it flows naturally without you even needing to do anything to it. It keeps you alive, brings nutrients to inhale, and releases stagnant old energy on the exhale.
You don't have to think about it. You don't have to work at it. Your body just does this for you. It is life-giving. Let yourself feel a sense of appreciation for your ability to breathe. How wonderful is it?
How easy, effortless, and natural, saying out louder in your mind. Thank you. To the air to your lungs. To your breath.
Take a nice deep, slow breath to inhale through your nose, feel your stomach expand, hold your breath at the top, and exhale with a sigh when you're ready.
Let your awareness travel from your breath, as you let your breath just be natural, to thinking about your body in general.
Your ability to be here right now practicing this meditation, all the different working components in your body that are making this possible right now, there's so much to appreciate.
Let your cells begin to infuse with feelings of appreciation for your body. Think about everything your body enables you to do that you love. No matter how big or small.
It could be as simple as hugging someone you love or eating a favorite meal. We're simply just here right now.
Guided Gratitude Meditation Script End
Please remember, a gratitude meditation is simply the practice of reflecting on all of the positive aspects of our existence.
It's about being thankful for whatever it is that makes you happy, whether it's a good friend or family member, a beautiful day, or the satisfaction of a delicious cup of coffee.
Spend a few minutes each day in sincere gratitude and watch your world change and expand in new and exciting days.